Matching 1X Loan
When you have the capital to do your project, but what you really need is mitigate your risk, then the 1X Loan is your answer.
This matching loan offers borrowers a loan amount is equal to the amount of the client's qualifying capital. The loan is paid out in monthly disbursements across 7 to 10 months and is fully disbursed within a year. Your funds are secure held typically with your attorney's IOLTA/Trust account or a sub-account of your corporate bank account or new SPV bank account.
For 1X Matching Loans the minimum to qualify is $5M in qualifying capital. And if the amount is $5M but less than $10M the deposit is held until the loan is repaid or otherwise settled (converted to permanent financing). However, if the deposit is $10M or higher, it is possible to recover your capital within 12 months. Your project remains fully funded and your capital is once again available for you to use.
This matching loan offers borrowers a loan amount is equal to the amount of the client's qualifying capital. The loan is paid out in monthly disbursements across 7 to 10 months and is fully disbursed within a year. Your funds are secure held typically with your attorney's IOLTA/Trust account or a sub-account of your corporate bank account or new SPV bank account.
For 1X Matching Loans the minimum to qualify is $5M in qualifying capital. And if the amount is $5M but less than $10M the deposit is held until the loan is repaid or otherwise settled (converted to permanent financing). However, if the deposit is $10M or higher, it is possible to recover your capital within 12 months. Your project remains fully funded and your capital is once again available for you to use.
The Power of this Loan
This is an exciting opportunity for any project raising capital of $10M or more from investors and this is especially attractive for commercial real estate developers as repeat borrowers. Using this loan structure you can tell your potential investors that they can recover their capital within 12 months of the loan being funded. Not only do they get their capital back, but the project they are supporting gets fully funded. And this can be a profound negotiating tool for the developer.
Most importantly your investor has peace of mind knowing that their funds are not deployed in the field but are held securely with their own attorney and are fully under their control.
Loan Highlights
- Minimum Deposit $5M, or $10M if you want to recover capital within 12 months.
- 48 Month term with 12 month extensions possible
- Interest Only at SOFR +1.25%
- Ability to capitalize all interest and fees
- NO personal/corporate guarantees
- Loan is secured by a lien against the project
- Flexible repayment options
- Lender will convert to permanent financing
- No prepayment penalties, minimum loan term is 12 months
- No upfront fees
- No application fees and no due dligence fees
- Minimum closing costs ($30,000) to be paid prior to final contracts
- Origination Fee 3% of loan amount
- Success Fees will never exceed 3%
- 48 Month term with 12 month extensions possible
- Interest Only at SOFR +1.25%
- Ability to capitalize all interest and fees
- NO personal/corporate guarantees
- Loan is secured by a lien against the project
- Flexible repayment options
- Lender will convert to permanent financing
- No prepayment penalties, minimum loan term is 12 months
- No upfront fees
- No application fees and no due dligence fees
- Minimum closing costs ($30,000) to be paid prior to final contracts
- Origination Fee 3% of loan amount
- Success Fees will never exceed 3%
Available Asset Classes for Qualifying Capital
CashCash is usually positioned using your attorney's IOLTA or Trust account or a sub account of your corporate bank account - must be a top tier bank.
CryptoWe only work with the top 5. Positioning crypto in the program is reviewed on a case by case basis, and depends on how it is being stored. Your monthly interest 1.5% payment can be made in either crypto or cash - it's your choice.
GoldIt is possible to use gold that is vaulted with a top tier security company by them issuing a safekeeping receipt.
How to Engage
You need to provide an Intake Package to engage our programs. We need your Know Your Client (KYC) and a valid and current Proof Of Funds (POF) for your QC, a 2 page Project Summary, and your desired draw schedule.
Upon acceptance of your submission we will provide a detailed Loan Proposal for your project. At that point, with the pre-approval if you want to formally apply for the loan we will provide you with our Finder’s and Financial Agreement for signature and with the agreement executed, work with you to complete and submit your full application package.
Upon acceptance of your submission we will provide a detailed Loan Proposal for your project. At that point, with the pre-approval if you want to formally apply for the loan we will provide you with our Finder’s and Financial Agreement for signature and with the agreement executed, work with you to complete and submit your full application package.
Get in touch if this structure aligns with your project's funding needs.